Gunakan Sembunyikan IP Mudah untuk menjaga alamat IP yang tersembunyi, menjamin privasi Anda, menyediakan enkripsi penuh aktivitas online Anda, dan melindungi identitas Anda dan informasi pribadi lainnya terhadap hacker, semua dengan mudah klik tombol Sembunyikan IP. Dengan Sembunyikan IP Mudah, Anda dapat mengirim email anonim, un-larangan diri dari forum, Blog, dll Identitas Anda aman, dilindungi, dan anonim. Dengan itu, Anda dapat diberikan salah satu dari banyak alamat IP proxy palsu kita yang dapat dari berbagai negara seperti Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Perancis, dll Sembunyikan IP Mudah bekerja dengan Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE dan kompatibel dengan semua jenis router, firewall, jaringan rumah, jaringan nirkabel dan jenis lain dari Internet.
Key Features
* Anonymous Web Surfing
You are assigned fake IP addresses and protected from hackers who will be tricked by your fake IP instead of your real one.
* Protect Your Identity
Surf anonymously to prevent websites, identity thieves or even government from compromising your computer, tracking your online activities, tracing your exact location or intercepting your private financial information.
* Select Your Physical IP location
You decide fake IP of which country to use by choosing a country from the Choose IP Country window.
* Send Anonymous E-mails
Hide your real IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending emails from Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
* Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Sites
Use Hide IP Easy to change your IP address and access forums and restricted sites that have ever banned you.
* Operating Systems
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English
* Anonymous Web Surfing
You are assigned fake IP addresses and protected from hackers who will be tricked by your fake IP instead of your real one.
* Protect Your Identity
Surf anonymously to prevent websites, identity thieves or even government from compromising your computer, tracking your online activities, tracing your exact location or intercepting your private financial information.
* Select Your Physical IP location
You decide fake IP of which country to use by choosing a country from the Choose IP Country window.
* Send Anonymous E-mails
Hide your real IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending emails from Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
* Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Sites
Use Hide IP Easy to change your IP address and access forums and restricted sites that have ever banned you.
* Operating Systems
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English
Download :
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Para pengurus Rifqi's Blog tidak selalu online untuk memantau komentar yang masuk, Jadi diharapkan berikan komentar Anda dengan pantas dan layak untuk dikonsumsi oleh publik. No SARA, SPAM dan Sejenisnya