Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection memungkinkan Anda untuk merancang dan mengembangkan hasil pekerjaan yang luar biasa, berkolaborasi secara efektif, dan memberikan layanan hampir di mana saja. Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Master memberikan toolset komprehensif untuk merancang seluruh media. Jelajahi menarik perangkat tambahan yang meliputi cara-cara baru untuk membuat konten interaktif, kinerja terobosan, dan integrasi dengan layanan baru Adobe CS Live untuk meningkatkan produktivitas.
Apa yang baru di Adobe Master Collection CS5 ?
Interactive design without writing code
Design sophisticated interactive content and create functional interfaces in new Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 without writing code. Transform your unique vision into compelling online experiences and deliver perfect project files to developers.
Innovative vector drawing and paintingQuickly and accurately represent depth and distance using new perspective tools in Adobe Illustrator CS5. Precisely control stroke width, arrowheads, and dashes. And use the new Bristle Brush to draw with the expressive quality of watercolors, oils, and pastels, but with the scalability of vectors.
Interactive documents and presentationsCreate memorable documents and presentations complete with interactivity, motion, sound, and video in Adobe InDesign CS5. Enhance page layouts with rich media using new motion presets for easy animation creation. Take advantage of support for FLV and MP3 audio file import to engage and excite your audiences.
Extraordinary image editingUse the Mixer Brush and Bristle Tips in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended to explore lifelike, naturally textured painting. Add dimension to your imagery with 3D extrusions using Adobe Repousse technology, and make precise image selections more quickly and easily with new Truer Edge selection technology.
Comprehensive reach of the Flash PlatformRealize your vision online with the capabilities of the Adobe Flash Platform. Use Flash Catalyst CS5 to design interactive content without writing code, Adobe Flash Professional CS5 to create free-form, expressive content, and Adobe Flash Builder 4 to develop rich Internet applications.
Tapeless workflows in video productionWork natively with pristine tapeless footage in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and Adobe After Effects CS5. Edit tapeless media formats using industry-leading tapeless workflows to keep from wasting valuable production time transcoding or rewrapping.
Industry-leading performance enhancementsWork up to ten times faster with very large images in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended and more fluidly on HD projects in Adobe After Effects CS5 and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 thanks to native 64-bit support. New GPU-acceleration quickens work in Photoshop, the new Adobe Mercury Playback Engine speeds up effects processing and rendering in Adobe Premiere Pro, and Dynamic Link is now dramatically faster.
Expressive motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects
Rotoscope in a fraction of the time with the revolutionary new Roto Brush in Adobe After Effects CS5. Isolating moving foreground elements from their backgrounds with automatic transparency is now dramatically faster.
Crisp graphics for web, interactive, and mobile deliveryCreate clean, sharp artwork that aligns accurately — and automatically — on the pixel grid in Adobe Illustrator CS5, eliminating fuzzy graphics for the web or mobile devices.
Online feedback with Adobe CS ReviewStreamline your creative reviews from within Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended, Illustrator CS5, and InDesign CS5 using Adobe CS Review, part of CS Live online services. CS Review provides easy-to-use annotation tools and commenting viewed in the context of your design.
Adobe Story integration for script collaborationAccelerate media creation with Adobe Story, part of CS Live online services. Streamline the flow of script data into pre-production, production, and post-production to create more engaging experiences.
Adobe BrowserLab integration for web testingPreview websites on multiple browsers and operating systems directly from Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 using new BrowserLab, part of CS Live online services. Avoid buying costly test hardware and maintaining testing labs. integrationEnhance communication around the globe using, part of CS Live online services. Convert files to PDF, store and share files, create documents and presentations online, collaborate, host meetings, and more.
- Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Extended
- Adobe Illustrator® CS5
- Adobe InDesign® CS5
- Adobe Flash Professional CS5
- Adobe Flash Builder™ 4
- Adobe Dreamweaver® CS5
- Adobe Fireworks® CS5
- Adobe Contribute® CS5
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
- Adobe After Effects CS5
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
- Adobe After Effects CS5
- Adobe Soundbooth® CS5
- Adobe OnLocation™ CS5
- Adobe Encore® CS5
- Adobe Bridge CS5
- Adobe Device Central CS5
System Requirement :
- Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (Intel Core™2 Duo or AMD Phenom® II recommended); Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Phenom II required for Adobe® Premiere® Pro.
- Processor with 64-bit support required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects®.
- Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended); or Windows 7.
- 64-bit edition of Windows Vista or Windows 7 required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.
- 2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended).
- 24.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash-based storage devices).
- 1280x900 display (1280x1024 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM.
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Download (Adobe Master Collection CS5)
Perhatian !! :
Sebelum anda klik download here, anda harus login ke apabila anda belum punya Account silakan membuat terlebih dahulu, setelah anda login baru klik download here diblog saya. Kalo anda tidak login di maka anda tidak bisa men-download Adobe Master Collection CS5.
Saran dari saya, sebelum anda men-download Adobe Master Collection CS5 sebaiknya gunakan IDM terlebih dahulu (biar lebih cepat dalam proses men-downloadnya). Yang punya koneksi internet (Unlimited), kalo mau download Adobe Master Collection CS5 dengan ukuran besar sebaiknya melakukan download-nya di pagi hari jam 06.00 atau di malam hari jam 12.00. Usahakan koneksi internet anda tidak dipakai untuk men-download yang lainnya atau browsing. Sebab kalo tidak kecepatan download anda akan menurun. Jadi fokuskan hanya untuk men-download Adobe Master Collection CS5 saja hingga proses download selesai.
Sekarang saatnya saya jelaskan cara aktivasi Adobe Master Collection CS5 secara detail, mukin buat sobat blogger sudah ada yang tau dengan cara yang ini, tapi mungkin dari beberapa teman yang lainnya masih ada yang belum paham. Ok langsung aja ya hehe..^^ (OS yang pakai windows 7 untuk windows xp langkahnya sama seperti di windows 7).
- Download Adobe Master Collection CS5 yang sudah saya berikan diatas.
- Buka Start, Accessories, Notepad (klik kanan pada icon notepad, pilih Run as administrator).
- Pada layar notepad anda pilih file, open..., Cari file "hosts" di C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Cara cepat untuk mencari "hosts" anda cukup copy tanda yang sudah saya kasih warna merah dan letakan pada bagian atas (toolbar) lalu paste dan tekan enter, jangan lupa Text Documents (*.txt) dirubah ke => All Files.
- Pilih "hosts" lalu klik open, tambahkan kode ini di bagian bawah script :
- Sekarang anda tinggal Instal Adobe Master Collection CS5.
- Masukkan serial numbernya: 1330-1927-7762-6383-0202-0414
- Sampai tahap ini selesai, Adobe Master Collection CS5 anda sudah menjadi full version dan cukup ikuti langkah 2 s/d 4.
assalamu'alaikum akang,.,.
Replythank nih infonyah..
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-Selamat Mencoba-
Jangan lupa share trik berguna ini ya
kang, kok pas daftar di adobenya passwordnya gak bisa terus kang, gmn ya?
Replymohon bantuanya
sudah log in d adobe ny tapi tetep acces denied,gmn?
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