Craft eye-catching images and graphics, lay out stunning pages, build standards-based websites, create interactive content without writing code, and extend page layouts for viewing with eBook reading devices.
Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium offers you powerful tools for creating and managing multimedia content.
The package includes:
- Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
- Adobe Illustrator CS5
- Adobe InDesign CS5
- Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5
- Adobe Flash Professional CS5
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
- Adobe Fireworks CS5
- Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro
- Adobe Bridge CS5
- Adobe Device Central CS5
Here are some key features of "Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium":
State-of-the-art image editing:
• Use industry-standard Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended to edit, enhance, and refine high-quality images for any print project.
Versatile, resolution-independent graphics:
• Create stand-out graphics that scale from business card to billboard with Adobe Illustrator CS5.
Dynamic PDF creation:
• Use Acrobat 9 Pro to create PDF documents and package layouts, drawings, images, animation, movies, audio, and other files in a single, dynamic PDF Portfolio.
Streamlined reviews:
• Maximize design time by streamlining reviews with Adobe CS Review, a CS Live online service. Initiate shared reviews from within Photoshop CS5 Extended, Illustrator CS5, and InDesign CS5. Invite others to comment with easy-to-use tools, and view their comments in the context of your design.
Integration with CS Live online services:
• Take advantage of integration with new Adobe CS Live online services to accelerate time-consuming processes such as creative reviews, web page testing, and collaborative content authoring. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Performance on the latest operating systems:
• Take advantage of the power and performance of the latest Apple and Microsoft operating systems. Enjoy 64-bit support for faster image editing across platforms with Photoshop CS5 Extended.
Creative 3D possibilities:
• Quickly add depth and create unusual effects using 3D editing tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended. Create attention-getting 3D logos and artwork from text and shapes and edit, manipulate, and paint directly on 3D models.
High-quality page layout:
• Lay out, preflight, and produce stunning page layouts with Adobe InDesign CS5, an intuitive design environment that offers precise control over typography and built-in tools for creative effects.
Visual media management:
• Find files fast by browsing thumbnails instead of filenames with Adobe Bridge. Or browse thumbnails and place files from the Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop CS5 Extended and InDesign CS5.
Adobe Community Help:
• Find the answers you need, including in-depth, product-specific Help from Adobe and additional third-party expert content, all accessed from within your design software.
Consistent Adobe user interface:
• Work quickly and intuitively thanks to a consistent user interface across all CS5 Design Premium components. Enjoy a shorter learning curve and stay more focused on the art of design.
PDF preflight and correction:
• Reduce errors at the printer with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Apply extensive preflight checks and easily fix issues form faulty hairlines to transparency handling, black conversion, spot color mapping, and more.
• Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor
• 1GB of RAM or more recommended
• 9.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation
• 1280x800 display with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM
• DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs
• Java Runtime Environment 1.5 (32 bit) or 1.6
• QuickTime 7.6.2 software required for multimedia features
• Adobe Flash Player 10 software required to export SWF files
• Broadband Internet connection required for online services
• 30 days trial
Menurut situs resminya, harga Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS5 adalah US$ 1.899.00. ( Wooo,....fantastis! ). Ini adalah software termahal yang pernah saya dapatkan ....
Tanpa mengikuti langkah-langkah yang akan saya berikan, Seperti apa yang sudah tertulis di atas, Anda hanya akan bisa memakai Software ini selama masa Trial ( 30 hari ) dan selanjutnya sudah tidak bisa memakainya lagi ( expired ).
Ingin mendaptkan Full Version-nya ? Hahaha .... Pastinya dong ! Langsung saja download semua aplikasinya di link download yang sudah saya tulis di bawah ini. Jangan lupa untuk membaca file ReadMe.txt-nya, karena semua sudah saya tulis secara jelas, komplit dan urut.
1. Download ADOBE CS5 32 BIT SUPPORT PACKAGE (2.43 GB via Torrent)
Catatan: Kalau Anda belum mempunyai Torent atau Bittorent software client sebagai alat untuk bisa mendownload file di atas, Anda bisa mengunduh-nya terlebih dahulu Di Sini. Kemudian instal file Bittorent hasil download Anda tersebut di kompi. Sekarang Anda siap untuk mengunduh file Adobe CS5 32 Bit Support Package.
2. Download Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS5 (2.84 GB via External Mirror 1)
[ Untuk bisa mendownload, Anda diharuskan gabung di Adobe ( Join Adobe ) dengan membuat akun di Adobe ( Create Adobe Account ). Lakukan saja seperti apa yang diminta! Ingat untuk gabung di Adobe ini, Anda harus sudah mempunyai Email sebagai syarat pendaftaran. Kalau sudah mengisi semua persyaratan yang diminta pihak Adobe, Anda akan segera berhasil mendownload ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE DESIGN PREMIUM CS5 TRIAL. Tunggu hingga selesai ].
2. Download Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS5 Patch, Keygen & ReadMe ( 596 KB via Ziddu )
Di dalam file Zip hasil download Anda nantinya akan terdapat 5 file. Ada 2 file ( DesignPremium_CS5_LS1.exe & ReadMe.txt ) yang sangat penting yang akan Anda pakai untuk instalasi nantinya. INGAT ! Jangan lupa untuk membaca PETUNJUK INSTALASI-nya di ReadMe.txt terlebih dahulu.
Anda tidak perlu mengunduh file ADOBE CS5 32 BIT SUPPORT PACKAGE (2.43 GB via Torrent) kalau instalasi Anda nantinya tersambung dengan internet. Dengan kata lain, file tsb hanya digunakan untuk instalasi ADOBE CS5 manakala tidak ada jaringan internet saja. Dan Bagi kawan-kawan yang Computer Programmer pastinya mempunyai file jenis ini untuk kepentingan instalasi.
SELAMAT MENCOBA ! Download Adobe Creative Suite 5 Di Sini
Anda tidak perlu mengunduh file ADOBE CS5 32 BIT SUPPORT PACKAGE (2.43 GB via Torrent) kalau instalasi Anda nantinya tersambung dengan internet. Dengan kata lain, file tsb hanya digunakan untuk instalasi ADOBE CS5 manakala tidak ada jaringan internet saja. Dan Bagi kawan-kawan yang Computer Programmer pastinya mempunyai file jenis ini untuk kepentingan instalasi.
SELAMAT MENCOBA ! Download Adobe Creative Suite 5 Di Sini
gan cara buat templatenya pake apa ni ?
Replykasih tutorialnnya dong
template ini ?
ReplyNot Work gan,
ReplyAdobe Creative Suite CS5 Design Premium
work thanks gann,,
ReplyTerimakasih atas kunnjungannya ^^ jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk berkunjung lagi xD
ReplyPosting Komentar
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